Monday 1 February 2016

The Adelphi, Leeds

When in Leeds, turn south out of the station and head south and go over the River Aire at Bridge End. The Adelphi is on the left-hand corner opposite. A fantastic Victorian pub with three interior rooms downstairs and the promise of more upstairs. Although plying its trade as a place to eat, it has retained a devotion to serving good beer and the barman is informative about the different beers on offer. I had a pint (two, in fact) of Leeds Pale and it lived up to its name and, at 3.8% was just sufficiently intoxicating. Reminiscent of the Royal Philharmonic Rooms in Liverpool, this is definitely one to make the effort to visit - if you find yourself in Leeds, that is!

The Red Lion, Matlock Green

Although this was, initially, a second choice, on an evening when we had intended to go elsewhere but found the White Lion at Starkholmes unexpectedly shut, the Red Lion turned out to be an acceptable alternative. The interior is extensive with games and a TV at one end and a range of old-fashioned but reasonably comfortable seating in other parts, some of which are on a raised level. The bar offered 3 real ales and we had one of them which was well-kept and hoppy in flavour. The service was functional more than friendly but, then again, we weren't regulars.